Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsor an event

Interested in becoming a sponsor? Our sponsors play a crucial role in the success of our programs and events. Our events would not be possible without the support, financial or otherwise, of our generous sponsors. Throughout the year, there are several mutually beneficial opportunities for event sponsorship.  For more information, contact our Fundraising team at fundraising@naascatlanta.org.

Annual Scholarship Fundraiser

Each year NAASC – Atlanta Chapter hosts an inspirational Scholarship Fundraiser to raise funds and honor Spelman alumnae who have made significant contributions to our community and the world. Proceeds fund scholarship awards for Spelman College students from the Metropolitan Atlanta area. Click here to learn more about the sponsorship opportunities for one of our Annual Scholarship events.

Spelman Blue on the Greens Annual Charity Golf & Tennis Event

The Annual Spelman Blue on the Greens (SBOTG) Golf & Tennis Event is hosted to raise the necessary funds to assist Spelman College students with paying for their education. Our goal is to lighten the financial burden for Spelman College students. We also have a little fun in the process. Click here to read more about the sponsorship opportunities for the Spelman Blue on the Greens Annual Charity Golf & Tennis Event.

Other Opportunities

Additional opportunities to help are also available, including: 

  • Serving as a hospitality sponsor for a meeting or event
  • Assisting with fundraising efforts
  • Making direct donations
  • Providing matching gifts
  • Providing in-kind gifts for programs and events.