The Atlanta Chapter of the National Alumnae Association of Spelman College (NAASC) has exhibited more than a century of sisterhood, service, and scholarship support in the Atlanta community.

The organization began in August 1914, when several recent Spelman graduates met at the home of Mrs. Mary James Wardlaw, who would become the first president. The organization was first called ”The Spelman Alumni Club of Atlanta” and later “The Atlanta Graduate Club.” The colors were white and gold; the flower, a white rose; and the motto,“Lifting as we climb” (Wardlaw). The Atlanta Club was the first of almost sixty (60) alumnae clubs, now called chapters, which exist today. Over the years, the name of the organization changed from the Atlanta Graduate Club or Spelman Graduates of Atlanta Club to the Atlanta Spelman Club. In 1976, when the national organization became the National Alumnae Association of Spelman College, a 501 (c)(3) organization separate from the College, the Atlanta Spelman Club became the AtlantaChapter of NAASC and part of the Southeastern Region of NAASC.

The mission of the NAASC - Atlanta Chapter is four-fold:

To support the College financially.
To support the College with student recruitment.
To serve the Atlanta Community.
To recognize Spelman Alumnae.


The focus on sisterhood is and has been integral to the functioning of the Atlanta Chapter. The annual April meeting of local alumnae with the President of the College is an example of sisters coming together. The emphasis on sisterhood was evident in April 1915, when President Lucy Hale Tapley invited the new club to meet with her at Reynolds Cottage, the President’s home. Similarly, class reunions are part of this tradition of sisterhood. In 1915, the first class reunion observance occurred, with the Atlanta Club assisting the College in hosting this event. The class reunion is an example of a tradition that continues to the present time.

Young Alumnae

The increase in the size of the graduating classes created a special challenge. In 1973, Spelman graduated its first class with more than 200 students. Since this time, there has been a growing number of younger alumnae. In Atlanta, where most alumnae reside, the younger alumnae decided to form a separate organization, YASA—the Young Atlanta Spelman Alumnae. A major objective of YASA was to have more programs that were responsive to the needs and interests of their contemporaries. Membership in YASA was limited to alumnae who had been out of College for fewer than ten years. One of the major benefits was YASA’s initiation in the 1970s of an annual brunch, which continues today as a scholarship fundraiser. Although YASA does not exist today, the Atlanta Spelman Club and the NAASC have benefited from this historical phase's lessons. Today, Young Alumnae is a committee within the NAASC - Atlanta Chapter with dedicated programming towards this population.


Like our commitment to sisterhood, giving dedicated service to the College and the community has been central in the work of the Atlanta Chapter. Of course, support for Spelman students and programs has been paramount. An early example of the Atlanta Club’s service to the College occurred in 1923. Alumnae used their automobiles to drive faculty to visit notable African American businesses and communities to educate faculty about the rich resources in the Atlanta community so that they might identify ways for their students to connect their studies to these resources.

Scholarship Support

For over 100 years, the Atlanta Club has been a generous donor, providing financial support for Spelman College and Spelman students. The club's prizes in the early days included the Edith V. Brill Prize, Lucy Upton Prize (given from the interest accrued on $214.24), and the Clara Howard Scholarship Fund. The local club also supported other fundraising efforts initiated by the national body, the Alumnae Association. These efforts included the Library Endowment Fund, which generated money to purchase books for the library. Perhaps the most significant fundraising effort of this period was the campaign, initiated by the Alumnae Association and supported by the local club, to raise money for the Grover-Werden Memorial Fountain (dedicated in May 1927).

Since the early days of the organization, one of the major ways the Atlanta Chapter has consistently supported the College has been to award scholarships to Metropolitan Atlanta students. Since launching the Annual Scholarship Brunch in 1977, the Chapter has added Spelman Blue on the Greens, Golf & Tennis signature event, which raises an equal sum annually to add to the more than $300,000 contributed in scholarships to thirty (30) students. Of this number, nine received scholarships for the four years at Spelman. In 1977, the cost of tuition for one year was $1,800. Today, the annual cost of tuition and fees exceeds $25,000.

The Atlanta Chapter is committed to supporting women who make a choice to change the world. The Chapter will continue to provide scholarships through its current programs. In 2014, the Chapter set out to raise $100,000 for an endowed scholarship. The first scholarship was awarded in the fall of 2020. Alumnae and friends can continue to contribute to both the local and endowed scholarships to continue the legacy of producing leaders for generations to come.

Our History

August 1914
Spelman Alumni Club of Atlanta founded
First class reunion observed
Alumnae engaged in service with the faculty
May 1927
Grover-Werden Memorial Foundation dedicated
1940s – 50s
Atlanta Spelman Club sponsored annual Founders Day radio broadcast
First class with more than 200 students graduated
NAASC Incorporated
Chapter Annual Scholarship Brunch launched
Spelman Day at the Capitol launched
Chapter establishes endowed scholarship
Spelman Blue on the Greens (SBOTG) - Golf & Tennis fundraiser launched
Established Seasoned Alumnae Committee
Launched New Website; Awarded our first endowed Scholar
Spelman Jazz on the Lawn launched