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Committees Make the Difference!

Being a member of the NAASC – Atlanta Chapter is just the beginning of your journey beyond the gates. After you join, consider lending your time and talents in support of the Chapter mission. There are many ways that you can get involved. Review the calendar for the dates and times of all of the Chapter meetings, events, and activities.

You will also find a full list and description of all of the committees below. If you have questions, contact

Standing Committees


Plans Spelman Day at the Capitol and other exciting events, including political and education forums.

Chair: Karen Wood


Organizes activities to recognize alumnae achievements and interests across generations in creative ways. Also, this committee solicits nominations for Alumna and Community Awards presented at the annual scholarship fundraising event.

Co-Chairs: Open


Responsible for reviewing the Chapter By-Laws to reflect changes in the needs of the Chapter and maintain alignment with the constitution and by-laws of the National Alumnae Association of Spelman College.

Chair: Deanna Rogers, Co-Chair: Stacee Utsey


Compiles, organizes, and disseminates approved notices and announcements for the Chapter, Region, and National Alumnae Association of Spelman College to the executive committee, membership body, and other alumnae. Also, utilizing electronic, voicemail, and print methods, the committee serves as the Newsletter editor, and electronic/social media coordinator for the Chapter.

Chair: Kelli Humphrey, Co-Chair: Kristen McNeil


Responsible for rendering appropriate courtesies and manifestations of concern (celebrations, illness, sympathies, etc.) to all active Atlanta Chapter members. Also, the committee oversees the My Sister’s Keeper program, the best example of our sisterhood in action, and serves as a resource for our sisters in need of support in the form of an extra hand for any number of reasons, financial, spiritual, etc.

Chair: Mia Dunlap


Assists the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and Financial Secretary in making decisions about the Chapter’s finances, including establishing an annual budget and recommendations regarding the need for a change in the dues structure and other revenue sources to support Chapter commitments and goals.

Chair: Camille Sanders Patterson


Creates opportunities to raise funds for the Chapter operations, endowed, and local chapter scholarships. The primary fundraising activities include the Annual Scholarship Brunch, Spelman Blue on the Greens (SBOTG) Golf & Tennis Charity Event, HBCU Alliance Run/Walk, and Painting with a Twist.

Co Chairs: Open; Leads: Holly Johnson Fisher, Laurie Elam-Evans, Elisa Torey, Lindsay Hopkins, Monique Barashango, Tammy McCall Browning, Roslyn Thomas, Rita Barrett, Andrea Horton, Sharon Owens


Responsible for soliciting hostess groups (Alumnae classes, church alumnae, etc.) to prepare refreshments for each general body and executive committee meetings. This committee is also responsible for showing our hospitality by planning the Freshwoman Welcome for incoming Atlanta students, the welcome back activity for all returning students, and the Senior Send-off, and plans the annual celebratory activities to honor the newest Golden Girl Class. It shall also plan refreshments for all special events in conjunction with the Program Committee.

Co-Chairs: Swarita King, Kamili Willis


Responsible for actively recruiting members across generations to the organization while promoting member benefits and value through several fun activities.

Co-Chairs: Rashidah Hasan, Christel Jackson


Responsible for conducting Chapter elections, including encouraging members to run for office, gathering nominations, verifying eligibility, and determining a slate of candidates for leadership positions within the Chapter.

Chair: Dawn Griffin


Consolidates all standing and ad hoc committees’ plans to publish a robust calendar incorporating segmented and cross-generational events and activities for the ensuing year. Also, the Program Chair manages the following Ad Hoc Committee activity and programs: Fitness, Health, and Wellness Committee, SPELMOMS Committee, and Student Recruitment & Engagement Committee.

Chair: Kyra Caldwell Templeton


Suggests the procedures and criteria for selecting two (2) Atlanta student scholarship recipients that cover tuition and fees on a graduated scale each year, determines the criteria for awarding the Atlanta Chapter endowed scholarship, and plays a vital role in the fundraising activities of the Chapter.

Co-Chairs: Joanne Jackson-Jones, Jessica Walker Felder


Responsible for strengthening the commitments of the NAASC – Atlanta Chapter to Alumnae graduates of 45 years or more, increasing membership, providing requested activities to members, providing ways for Alumnae to meet other Alumnae, organizing fellowship activities, and keeping members informed about Spelman. 

Chair: Denice Brue-Clopton


Ensures appropriate technology access, software and other tools to conduct chapter business and host events using technological platforms. The committee chair also manage all of the chapter’s website, online meeting platform and establish the accounts and emails for all incoming officers.

Chair: Nekesha Volcy


Enhances the Alumnae engagement experience for recent (less than 10 years) graduates. and provides networking opportunities through focused events that promote the Spelman sisterhood beyond the gates.

Chairs: Imani Herring, Miracle Bennett



Provides fitness, health, and wellness activities for the Chapter as well as provides activities and informational material for all generations of alumnae that focus on both physical and mental health.

Chair: Camille May


Plans activities focused on Alumnae who have children such as mommy outings, play dates, and date nights.

Chair: Ali Holness-Roland


Works with the College to promote and create awareness among prospective students and to support recruitment activities. Plans outreach and events for admitted and accepted students such as the Annual
Freshwoman welcome.

Chair: Jennifer Tanner


Coordinates the Spelman Blue Pages

Chair: Dometrice Clemmons


Plans Sisterhood Sunday and provides support and encouragement to the chapter.

Chair: C.Suzette Taylor